Moon Garden Workshops & Classes
Plant a Medicinal Garden!
Master Gardener Judy Leon and Herbalist Colleen Zorbas will show you how and why to grow a medicinal garden with four seasonal workshops. The workshops will be located at Judy’s beautiful, Haven Hill Farm in Washington County. Each class will run approximately three hours.
A medicinal herb garden is defined as a garden planted with the goal of serving the needs of your general health and well-being.
You can grow wellness in whatever space you have! Herbs are beautiful and very useful in your landscape. Most herbs are not difficult to grow, and many produce lovely flowers and/or interesting foliage. Many herbs are also pest resistant and are fantastic companion plants to your vegetables.
In these series of workshops we will be going over the type of herbs to grow, and the medicinal properties of these herbs. We will be identifying the different stages of growth and how to recognize the plants. Each workshop will feature a farm and plant walk, and a preparation of an Earth medicinal. We hope you can join us for all four workshops- each one will be unique and inspiring. Space is limited, please reserve your spot today!
Spring Workshop: June 19th 2019 12pm-3pm
The springtime workshop will focus on starting your own wellness garden. Judy will have starter garden sets for your purchase. We also will be wildcrafting herbs around the farm and talking about how to incorporate them into your natural medicine making as well as discussing the herbs you will be growing.
4 to 5 Herbs to grow
Gardening info and composting ideas
How these herbs are beneficial to our health
Herb/Farm walk
Making a herbal infusion
Making a wildcrafted tea
Early Summer Workshop: July 17th 12pm-3pm
The summer workshop will be focusing on maintaining your wellness garden. Issues you might be experiencing and advise on growing your herbs. Learn when the best time is to harvest certain herbs, and how to make medicinals from your harvest.
Herb/Farm Walk
Gardening Info
Make and drink a cup of herbal tea
How to make a herbal oil infusion for a salve
Berry season- making a cordial with berries and herbs
Late Summer Workshop: August 21st 12pm-3pm
The herbal garden is overwhelming us with its bounty! It is time to divide perennials, plant more perennials and herbs, keep our evergreens watered, stop feeding the plants and start putting them on a diet. The folklore of herbs takes us down many delightful paths. Many foods, medicinals, and customs go back before recorded history, where truth, legend, and magic merge.
Herb/Farm Walk
How to make a salve (from your herbal oil infusion)
Gardening Info
Make and drink a cup of herbal tea
Plant spirit medicine, What is your relationship with nature? We’ll journey into the healing wisdom of plants, with a discussion.
Fall Workshop: September 18th 12pm-3pm
The fall time workshop will be focusing on how to put your garden to bed and soil maintenance. Winter protection for your herbs and what herbs to bring inside. The final harvesting of your herbs, and how to dry and preserve them for months to come.
Herb/Farm Walk
We’ll be making a Herbal Dream Pillow
Making A Herbal Vinegar and Oxymel
Make and drink herbal tea
We will create a jar of Moon Garden Potpourri
If one uses herbs appropriately, one can maintain a healthy balance of mind, body, & spirit. ~ Colleen Zorbas
Space is limited. Reserve your place today at www.moongardenherbals.com
Each class $60.00 with medicinal making materials included. Herb Garden Starts will be an extra charge. ( optional )
There will be a 10% discount if you sign up for all four workshops.